The implementation plan of the implementation phase of the Digirail project is a description of how a modern radio-network-based train control system will be implemented for the Finnish railway network in 2025–2040. The implementation phase is the single most extensive phase in the entire project from almost any point of view, and it has been described as one of the most significant milestones in Finnish railway history. The implementation plan now under development is like a script for this milestone; a detailed description of how the entire system is being designed, procured, built and commissioned.
The work of the comprehensive implementation plan has started in project format in January 2024 and is planned to continue until the end of 2027. During the work, we will be releasing interim versions of our progress, and the January 2025 release is the second interim version of the implementation plan. The interim version includes documents that are already nearer to completion, as well as metatexts and descriptions of future work to be supplemented in the following releases. We also reserve the right to modify the texts being released now, when necessary. For ease of reading, the metatexts are indicated in the plan in italics.
Since our previous release, we have focused on themes associated with schedules and content to ensure that we attain the objectives set for the timeliness and coverage of the implementation plan. With regard to schedules and phasing, we have identified a need to create phasing and schedules at various levels of detail in order to manage the implementation plan as a whole. These are described in more detail in the Schedule and phasing document.
With regard to the content theme, we have focused on both the content of the implementation and the content of the implementation plan. With regard to the content of the implementation, we have looked at the whole from above, by identifying the sub-areas of implementation and the interdependencies between them, and by clarifying the associated goals. The identification of the implementation elements also supported the preparation of a roadmap-level schedule. We have also made the implementation content more concrete by identifying and analysing the impacts of the project on current operations in the railway sector. A very integral part of the work is also the development model for the implementation phase system, which we will use to ensure that we develop the Digirail system entity as a whole in an organised manner, aiming towards the desired end result.
With regard to the content of the implementation plan, we have further specified the structure of the plan and the contents of the structural components. The implementation plan consists of two types of content related to the Digirail system entity (the ‘product plan’) and the work included in the implementation phase (the ‘project plan’). The product plan section describes what kind of system entity will be implemented nationally and the interim phases through which we will progress toward the final result of the implementation phase. This section includes different reviews, plans and specifications, both ones that are shared with the entire project as well as ones specific to a sub-area. The product plan section has been structured to align with the sub-areas of implementation, and the section will be supplemented in the following releases with regard to various sub-areas.
The project plan section describes the measures to enable efficient and comprehensive commissioning of ERTMS at a national level. This section includes various descriptions of project-internal procedures and, of course, descriptions associated with schedules and procurement.
We encourage you to review the release using the document map below which illustrates the documents formed by the interim release and the interconnections between the documents. The chart provides a visual representation of the implementation plan structure.
In the spring, we will continue with the work by specifying project-level and area-specific goals and their indicators. In parallel with this, we will roll up our sleeves and work on the development of the implementation phase system entity, when the operating concept and scenario work with its numerous technical investigations starts. We are consistent in ensuring that we receive and consider all the lessons learned during the preparatory and construction work for the first commercial track section (EKA, Tampere-Rauma/Pori).
We will collect feedback from stakeholders on the implementation plan. We hope that as many people as possible would take advantage of this opportunity, as feedback is an important part of developing and supplementing the implementation plan. Feedback can be submitted by using this form.
Additional information:
Saara Haapala
Project Manager for the Implementation Phase Implementation Plan project