Why Digirail?
The railways of the future need a modern and cost-efficient solution for securing the competitiveness of railway traffic.

Information on the Digirail project
In the Digirail project, the train control system will be renewed. What does it mean in practice? What does the new modern European radio network-based train control system involve? Click here for more information about the project.

The Digirail Story
The Digirail project employs a unique group of experts who have a passion for the railway sector and its reform. Together, our inter-disciplinary team of experts is finding solutions to modernise the Finnish train control system. With the ongoing development work, we will have a strong impact on the future of rail traffic. Read more about the complete Digirail story
From preparations to decisions!
The Digirail project has Digirail is aiming for safe and efficient rail traffic. The Digirail report, published on 2 July 2021, provides information about forthcoming upgrades to technical railway systems. The Digirail project is progressing from the preparatory to the practical phase, as digital access control systems are now being built and piloted on railways.
The Digirail project was launched in 2019. The project’s analysis phase ended in April 2020, and was followed by a preparatory phase that ran from August 2020 to April 2021.
Its development and verification phase began in early autumn 2021.

Latest news

Lessons learnt in the Rata 2025 event: A risk management process in line with the Commission Implementing Regulation as part of the alliance project

Lessons learnt in the Rata 2025 event: Requirements engineering is the basis for a successful Digirail implementation

A master’s thesis has examined the suitability of public radio networks for the Digirail project: “A rapid and cost-effective solution”
Taking the journey together
In addition to these actors, many other organisations, experts and partners that provide supporting functions are involved in the planning of Digirail.