More introductions to the people behind Digirail! This time, we are introducing Test Engineer Tuukka Varjoranta.

How long have you been working on the project? How did you end up with Digirail?

I started in the Digirail project in the summer of 2021 after I began working at Proxion in the team that was then called the ETCS team. Initially, my tasks were largely about getting familiar with the ETCS and the Railway Engineering Guidelines (RATO) part 22.

Tell us more about your job responsibilities.

I currently serve as the Test Engineering Manager / Test Engineer in field testing at the KoKoHa test track. In the KoKoHa project, we are testing the functionality of the ETCS and observing any faults or special characteristics in the system that could affect the future EKA track and the roll-out phase later. Other ongoing projects include the writing and development of the RATO22 guidelines and the KoKoHa RBC training for maintenance operators. Earlier, I have been involved in several ETCS studies commissioned by the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.

What do you find most interesting about the project?

There may not be just one answer to this question, but I think the best things about the project are the people, our team, and the mindset and enthusiasm they have in driving the project forward. The Digirail project is also about creating something brand new which means thinking about new solutions. This makes the project interesting.

Are trains a part of your life in any other ways?

I have to say that I did not join the project completely from outside the railway sector, as I have had a great interest in the field for a long time through my railway hobby. I have been fascinated with the railways for a long time and have been photographing rail transport in my leisure time with a small hobby group.

What is your fondest memory related to trains?

It must be my Interrail trip a few years ago.