Archive: News

En livlig höst väntar Digispår – Upphandlingarna för EKA-banavsnittet sysselsätter en stor grupp sakkunniga

När sommaren övergår till höst tuffar projektet Digispår på i snabb takt. På hösten sysselsätter i synnerhet upphandlingarna för EKA-banavsnittet fram till slutet av året. Avsikten är också att få klarhet gällande lösningarna för användningen av radionätet. Hösten blir en hektisk tid för Digispår. Det största jobbet är hela upphandlingen för EKA-banavsnittet Lielax–Björneborg/Raumo. Det är […]

European Commission’s ERTMS coordinator Ruete visits Finland

Matthias Ruete, the European Commission’s ERTMS coordinator, visited Finland in early June to learn about Digirail (Finland’s national ERTMS project) and how Finland is promoting the piloting and deployment of new rail technologies. During his two-day visit, Ruete spoke with Digirail representatives about how the project is progressing, cyber security, the results of a positioning […]

The European Union aims to harmonise train traffic across Europe – regulation will also have an impact on Digirail’s equipment purchases

Increasing rail transport will have a significant impact on achieving the emissions reduction targets, and so the European Union is pushing hard to streamline rail transport across Europe. The aim for the future is that trains would operate smoothly across country borders – within a single European railway area: “The idea is that train traffic […]

Digirail arouses great interest at the InnoTrans trade fair

A broad range of railway sector operators from different countries and fields attended the trade fair held in Berlin. What kind of reception did Digirail receive among fair visitors? And how does Finnish innovation compare to the rest of Europe? The biennial InnoTrans trade fair was held in September in Berlin. This year, the world’s […]